low-carbon hydrogen will allow immediate reductions in emissions

low-carbon hydrogen

Hydrogen can be used by industries as a replacement for natural gas. It can be especially useful in certain industries which cannot substitute a “flame” and thus hydrogen can decarbonise where there are no other energy sources that can.

By using hydrogen refined from natural gas we can reach net zero carbon emissions sooner.  It means we do not have to spend billions and decades building out the required number of wind farms, improving the electricity grid and vehicle charging stations before we start decarbonising- we decarbonise industry now, from today.

North Sea natural gas augmented by imports of LNG from friendly countries means energy is affordable, reliable, and secure safeguarding the European economy and people. Refining such natural gas into hydrogen means it will also be largely decarbonised.

Like electricity, hydrogen needs to be manufactured. It is made today, like electricity, mostly from natural gas and used widely for industrial purposes. For over one hundred years hydrogen has been used by industry safely as a fuel and feedstock. It can be cheaper to produce hydrogen than electricity from natural gas.

Transitus is engaging with industrials to supply them with low-carbon hydrogen to displace their current hydrocarbon fuel. We will “fuel-switch” them to hydrogen by using innovative technologies to deliver solutions unique to each commercial situation. Our goal is to supply the most affordable, energy secure, reliable, and the most decarbonised low-carbon hydrogen.

We are also advocates for the energy transition benefits of blending low-carbon hydrogen into Europe’s natural gas grid. Policy is in place already to blend from 2-15% in Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Portugal. The UK announced in 2023 that it is minded to authorise blending and is awaiting the outcome of the safety case. Precedents include Hong Kong which has a 50% hydrogen blend with natural gas in its gas grid. Plans for blending amounts of up to 20% low-carbon hydrogen are being readied now by gas utilities.

Research demonstrates that if we replace 20% of natural gas with hydrogen in our natural gas grids then we remove six million tons per annum of carbon dioxide emissions (the equivalent emissions of 2.5 million cars). There is no need for technological advancement or scale economies. There is no need to build infrastructure, replace consumer’s appliances and gas meters. There is no need to adjust consumer behaviour.

With low-carbon hydrogen we can transition to supplying energy that is 98% decarbonised. With low-carbon hydrogen produced from natural gas we can lead the passage to a Europe that is decarbonised sooner.


carbon storage